If you run a bulk retail propane business, you know how important gas leak checks, safety checks, and other propane tank inspections are. Each time you install a new tank, run out of gas, or open the system, you need to confirm that the system is safe. 


Mango Propane Inspection eliminates the traditional clipboard-and-form approach, and allows your technicians to collect essential data directly from their handhelds, while keeping you compliant. Mango saves your service technicians countless hours each month by simplifying the collection of essential data needed to service your customers.

 How It Works

  1. Define the Data That Technicians Will Need to Collect – To get started, you will need to set up some lists of equipment and data that will be accessible on the handheld. These lists can include Regulators, Appliances, Manufacturer Codes, and other items. 
  2. Technicians Can Access Lists with Pre-Populated Options – Once lists are built, they will be used by the technician during the close of the sale. When technicians ‘confirm’ a sale in their handheld, they will be guided through the data collection process – just like you would do on a paper form. Most of the data is available through a dropdown list or by duplicating a prior form that was already filled in. 
  3. Data is Automatically Available to Office Staff or State Agencies – Once data is collected on the handheld, it is safely transferred to the desktop where it is available to all office users. Completed forms are saved in PDF format on the desktop for easy retrieval, and forms can even be automatically transferred to state agencies as needed. Critical customer and technician signoffs are also captured and stored. 

Before your technician heads out into the field with their clipboard again, give us a call at 209-632-1122 ext. 212 and allow us to show you a better way to stay compliant. Click here to watch a short video and learn more.