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It is hard to argue that mobile technology is anything but indispensable in the modern workplace. Advances in technology have lowered the prices of handheld computers to a point where business owners can afford to equip their employees with the latest gadgets. Because of its versatility, handheld computers bring a wide range of benefits.
For our November stop on the Technology Roadmap, we are discussing handheld computers and how it can change the processes within your organization.
Are you wondering what mobile technology even is and when it began?
Mobile technology is technology that is portable. Some examples are laptop, tablets, smartphones, GPS devices and even credit card terminals. Handheld computers have been used in the workplace since 1972. These devices back in the 70’s were more like pocket sized calculators, but by the early 80’s manufactures had introduced handheld computers for business applications. These devices were rudimentary and often had to be connected to a power source to operate. By the late 80’s, handhelds with liquid crystal displays emerged and in the 90’s fully functional networked handheld devices became popular.
How is it used in today’s work environment?
Most handheld computers (i.e. tablet or smartphone) in the workplace function on a client-server configuration. Typically they use a wireless network to communicate with a central server that houses the software applications. This setup allows the central server to coordinate input and information for multiple employees, all while maintaining accurate real-time data. Then, at the end of the shift, employees will return the devices to a charging station after their data has been received.
What would a daily process with a handheld computer look like for the driver of a delivery operation?
What are the advantages of mobile technology?
Mobile devices can link you directly into the office network while working off-site. For example, you could remotely:
Rapid developments in cloud computing are boosting the use of mobile devices in business, supporting more flexible working practices and accessing services over the internet.
Are there any disadvantages of mobile technology?
The mobile workforce is growing and is going to continue to expand whether organizations are ready for it or not. When businesses are stuck in traditional processes, they have no idea of the inefficiency their processes may be causing. After the quick learning curve and investment, the opportunities for growth and flexibility are endless.
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