Taking a strategic approach to your documents and the way they are organized and stored helps to prevent lost documents and saves in costs. Proper document storage is vital to the success of your business which is why we made this topic number 9 or on our Technology Roadmap. Ask yourself these questions to see if a paperless management solution is right for you.
If you are still using a traditional paper filing system, then the time has come to think about making the switch to an electronic filing system. Even if your boss is “old school” or your office manager doesn’t like change, I’d encourage you to take a minute and explore some of the benefits of implementing an electronic filing system.
What is an electronic file, or electronic document management system? It is the practice of importing, storing and managing documents and images. It can include the scanning and capturing paper-based documents, digitizing files and allowing you to dispose of hard copies. You will create an electronic file system that replaces physical file cabinets and paper.
Here are some reasons you can use to help convince your boss you are in need of a change!
Transitioning to an electronic document system will benefit every organization helping you automate workflows and minimize content errors so you can use your time to focus on more business-critical areas.
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