When you decide to partner with Advantage Route you don’t get sent a bunch of manuals and files and told good luck. In face it’s the opposite. We understand that you are making a big investment in your business and our team is with you every step of the way to guarantee your success in the transition. You will be assigned a “New Customer Coordinator” that will be you go-to person to make sure you have the training and prep work done so the install goes smooth. This includes data conversions, training, launch day and beyond. We pride ourselves in being there for you 24/7 to solve your issues and make sure you stay up and running at all times. Before you know it you will be rocking along, saving hours a day by eliminating paper tickets and having all the information you need to optimally run your business at your fingertips. You are only going to wonder why you didn’t incorporate our Mango software sooner.
To see the profile of each team member, click here.
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