Advantage Route Systems has its ISO 9001:2015 certification. Click here to learn more.

Enhance Your Business Efficiency with Mango EDI®

Mango EDI streamlines your invoicing process by facilitating the electronic transfer of invoices to your customers or trading partners. This advanced system enables the seamless exchange of electronic documents or business data between computer systems, employing a standardized language that ensures consistency across all participating partners. The utilization of uniform formats not only enhances communication but also provides a secure and controlled environment for transaction sets.

As an illustration, Mango EDI can replace traditional documents like a bill of lading with a structured, standardized message. The system encompasses all standard formats for approximately 30 vendors, offering comprehensive coverage.

Mango EDI®: Real Solutions, Real Results

Unlock the tangible benefits of Mango EDI for your business:

  • Paperwork Reduction: Bid farewell to excessive paperwork, embracing an eco-friendly and streamlined approach to document management.
  • Invoicing Efficiency: Boost efficiency in your invoicing process, reducing input time, expediting payments, and minimizing data entry errors.
  • Faster Payments: Streamline your payment process for quicker transactions, reducing delays and enhancing overall workflow.
  • Productivity Surge: Elevate productivity and fortify your production cycle, ensuring your business operates at optimal efficiency.
  • Customer Relationship Strength: Foster stronger relationships with customers through streamlined processes, gaining a competitive edge.
  • Seamless Data Transfer: Format Route Manager transaction data effortlessly, enabling swift and secure electronic transfer of payment and invoicing data to third parties.
  • Efficient Document Exchange: Streamline document exchange with customers and partners by converting data into compatible formats, fostering quicker and more effective communication.
  • Production Cycle Optimization: Reduce input time, contributing to an improved production cycle, ensuring heightened efficiency in day-to-day operations.

Experience the power of Mango EDI – where efficiency meets effectiveness in business operations!

*Please note that any custom formats required will be subject to standard programming rates. Additionally, if data submission via a Value Added Network (VAN) is necessary, there might be associated transaction costs or monthly service fees. Elevate your business operations with the efficiency of Mango EDI®!

How It Works

To seamlessly integrate with your client’s systems, Mango EDI offers a straightforward process:

  1. Create Customized Output Codes: Develop and tailor a set of formatted Mango EDI Output Codes specific to each customer account.
  2. Automated File Generation: The system will automatically generate Mango EDI transaction files, adhering to the customized formats for compatibility.
  3. Export to Predefined Directory: Export the generated files into a predefined directory within the system.
  4. Transmission Options: Choose from multiple transmission options, including Email, HTTP, or FTP transfer, ensuring flexibility in delivering files to your customers.

This streamlined process ensures efficient communication and compatibility with your client’s systems through standardized and customized Mango EDI transactions.

There are no special system requirements to use the Mango EDI software. Mango EDI is available in Mango, RMAdvanced and RM2000. If you will be transmitting data to your customers electronically, then you will need to have an active Internet connection (in most cases).

$499 USD

  1. It only includes EDI formats that we deem are standard in the package. 
  2. Any new formats or changes to existing ones will be charged for the hours required at Programming Rates.
  3. We advise the customer that they may need a VAN.


Formats Compatible with the Mango EDI Module in RMAdvanced:

  • 7-11
  • 7-11 with CRV
  • ABW Import Academy
  • ACE Hardware
  • Atlas
  • MX BAT
  • Cust BAT
  • Extra Brand
  • Waterboy
  • Export CVS
  • Default EDI
  • Do-It-Best
  • Falcoe
  • HEB
  • Metro
  • Prescient
  • Sage
  • Wal-Mart